Diabetes is a disease spreading invariably in all countries, and it is identified as one of the most prevalent and dreadful diseases. It is an epidemic which is dangerous and indeed life-threatening. Diabetologists in Pakistan reveal that the number of sufferers in Pakistan is shooting up because of having no proper knowledge about the ways and means to control blood sugar. What you are eating and the intake quantity is more important than any other factors.
What is the safest list of foods to avoid for diabetes? This is a reasonable question because by knowing the foods that one should keep off from eating is contributing to health by fighting diabetes. Here’s an overview of some common foods that people with diabetes should avoid eating.
1.    White Rice
Consumption of this product will require your body to produce more insulin because it is already stripped of its essential nutrients. Brown rice is more advisable for you.
2.    White Pasta
Pasta dishes usually have a high glycemic index; however, it is safer for you to eat them if the noodles are made from whole pasta or brown rice.
3.    White Flour
It may appear clean; however, it will not be friendly to diabetics. This product contains alloxan, which is a type of chemical that can cause damage to your pancreas.
4.    White Sugar
It is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and causes adverse effects on the blood sugar levels of the body. You will start experiencing hyperglycemia.
5.    Fatty Foods
A person with diabetes is prone to developing heart diseases, which may eventually lead to stroke. Hence, your intake of saturated fat and trans-fat should not be more than 7% of calories.
6.    Caffeine
As much as possible, you should avoid drinking and eating stuff that has caffeine content. Limit your consumption of coffee and tea, if you cannot avoid them.
7.    Alcohol
You should stay away from anything alcoholic. Alcoholic drinks can cause serious health conditions to people who have diabetes. High blood pressure, nerve damage, and eye problems may be developed.
8.    Sweets and candy
It’s not surprising as to why sweets are on the list, but not many are aware that sugary foods happen to contain high amounts of fats and sugar which are not helpful if you are trying to control your blood glucose levels.
9.    Salty Foods
Salt causes blood pressure to rise, and as mentioned earlier, a person with diabetes has a higher risk of developing heart and even kidney disease.
10.    Sugary fruits
Avoid intake of fruits with heavy natural sugar, bananas, oranges, grapes are a few.
11.    Refined Foods
Refined and processed foods are notorious foods in that they add to extra calories and not good for the digestive system. A fiber-rich food is ideal for the human digestive system.
12.    Foods having high glycemic index
Foods with a high glycemic index, needless to say, raise the blood sugar rapidly and it is highly recommended for diabetic patients to avoid.
13.    Fried Items
Fried items are, in general, not preferred by the calorie conscious section of the society. In diabetics, the fried items rich in sodium, salt, saturated fats, etc. adversely affects the whole system.
Best doctors in Pakistan advice that choosing a balanced meal helps keep your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels under control. Additionally, it also helps in lowering the risk of health problems which are a result of diabetes. So, why not go for it and lead a healthy life forever!

If you feel you have put on a little too much weight, you have plenty of company. Research shows that nearly 40% of adult men and women are now clinically overweight in Pakistan today. If that sounds like you, the fact is, it's not your fault. You have been bombarded by false advertising and magic pills; don't be looking for the next great elixir because you are not going to find it. Metabolism is a term that pops up frequently when you ask a doctor online in Pakistan. It's in your best interest to learn about maximizing your metabolic speed.
By boosting your metabolism, you're allowing yourself to lose more weight in a much smaller time frame. Below are great metabolism strategies to help you increase your metabolism and begin feeling and looking great.

1.    Eat a healthy breakfast

If you don't eat breakfast, you signal your metabolism to slow down. Your body thinks it needs to conserve energy as food is in short supply. So eat a nutritious breakfast that includes protein and fiber, this will help to kick-start your metabolism at the start of the day.

2.    Drink Plenty of Water.

We are 60% to 70% water. Every cell and system of our body needs plenty of water to function properly. Water has zero calories but helps make you feel full to offset the need for large meals. You should drink about 8, 8-ounce glasses of water daily. Not just for your healthy weight loss plan, but to help your digestive system and your overall health. The boost to your metabolism may come more from cleansing your system and keeping yourself hydrated than any nutrient in the water. Drink water and avoid sodas and processed drinks.

3.    Eat more calories during the day

If you want to get your metabolism to work harder than you'd better eat your calories during the day and keep your calorie intake light after 6 pm. Your dinner should be your lightest meal of the day since you will no longer have enough time to burn those calories. Doctors even suggested that you should not eat 3 to 4 hours before going to bed.

4.    Find a way of including exercise in your day

You don't need to do a full aerobic workout. If you don't like to exercise, just aim to walk a little further or walk faster, and use the stairs instead of the elevator. And you can fit exercise into your morning routine. Exercising early in the day boosts your metabolism and helps you to burn calories more efficiently through the day.

5.    Build your muscles

Muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn, even when you are resting. You do not have to join a gym, just find simple ways of building muscle that you can easily incorporate into your day.
There you have a few tips to boost your metabolism quickly and more efficiently. These are very effective methods; proven by best doctors in Pakistan to be efficient and help you burn more calories faster. Metabolism has a lot to do with how much weight you gain and how much weight you lose. You can discuss metabolic issues with a doctor online to get advice. Just adding these simple steps to your daily routine can help you tremendously to reach your weight loss goals.

Technology might have advanced, and the advancement of science might be hitting its zenith but now and then a new disease hits the human race in various parts of the world and health specialist just stare helplessly into the face of such diseases. One of these diseases is Chikungunya. Chikungunya is still found in countries like Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka. The Chikungunya virus is transmitted to a person by a mosquito bite.

A few years back it hit the human race once again, and since then doctors and researchers have been looking for a suitable vaccine or cure for the disease. A total of 1018 people fell victim to Chikungunya in Karachi. The highest number of cases has been reported in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Kenya, Congo, Ghana, Tanzania, South Africa, Nigeria, and Seychelles.

Definition of Chikungunya

Chikungunya is a viral disease that is similar in etiology and symptoms to dengue fever. The virus responsible for chikungunya is alpha-virus, which belongs to the Togaviridae family. This virus is contracted through mosquito bites. Only a particular type of mosquito is a vector, i.e., a carrier for chikungunya. Also responsible for the spread of dengue fever among humans is the Aedesaegypti mosquito.

Causes of Chikungunya

Chikungunya has become the biggest scare in the world currently. Chikungunya is a viral disease transmitted through the agency of mosquitoes. Malaria, dengue and chikungunya have become more reasons to exterminate mosquitoes. Stagnated water is another method of spreading Chikungunya; because Aedesaegypti mosquito only lays its eggs in stagnated water. This is the reason why there is an outbreak of Chikungunya in Pakistan because of poor sanitation, standing water and sewerage.

Symptoms of Chikungunya

Chikungunya symptoms begin almost immediately after the viral infection. Some of the symptoms are:-
ü  Fever with very high temperature
ü  Acute pain all over the body
ü  Sharp pain in the joints accompanied by swelling
ü  Conjunctivitis
ü  Profuse rashes
ü  Severe headache
ü  Loss of taste in the tongue
ü  Mouth ulcers

Chikungunya treatment

The Ayurvedic treatment of Chikungunya is aimed at controlling the viral infection, treating or reducing symptoms and preventing complications. A lot of research is being put into Chikungunya treatment, and there are some herbal vaccines available in the market, but it is yet to be seen how effective they prove to be.The main ways to treat the symptoms are to get plenty of rest, drink fluids to prevent dehydration and take paracetamol to reduce fever and pain.
It is important to take proper precautions against the virus to stop it from spreading. The disease has spread to various parts of the world by people who travel from the infected countries to other countries. Hence it is recommended that you visit Medical Consultants in Pakistan at regular intervals of time so that you stay on the safe side.

Skin Specialist

Acne is a common skin condition producing pimples on the face and upper torso. Acne is a disorder which causes the hair follicles to become plugged by excess production of oil from sebaceous glands. Everyone comes across the issue of acne at some point in their life. This is particularly the case when you hit the teenage years.
The great news is that advances are being made in the treatment of acne and Skin specialists in Pakistan are discovering new ways to prevent and treat this dreaded skin condition. However, everyone has different ideas about acne. Before trying any therapy or believing in untested ideas you should know the facts about acne treatment. Read some basic facts about acne treatment below
  1. Washing frequently
You cannot treat acne by frequently washing the affected area. It is enough to wash twice a day. Washing more than that may adversely affect your skin; acne is not caused by dirt, contrary to popular belief.
  1. Don’t pop your pimples – Ever!
When you have acne, you might be tempted and hear a voice screaming “pop those pimples!”, but don’t do that no matter what. Skin specialist in Pakistan advises not to give in to the temptation and do not listen to those voices you hear.
  1. There Is No Growing Out
Many individuals believe that acne will go away with age. This is why some do not seek out acne treatment options because they think it is not bad enough. Visiting a Dermatologist in Pakistan is the best place to start and get the right treatment options for hormonal acne.
  1. Will cold air help clear my skin of acne?
A season like a winter cause more damage to the skin just how the sunlight does by drying it out and clogging the pores. The best temperature for maintaining beautiful, clear skin is between 21 and 26 degrees Celsius.
  1. Oral Vitamin A
Derivatives of vitamin A, called retinoid are used topically and orally to treat acne under medical supervision. If you take excessive Vitamin A hoping that it will treat acne it may make your health worse as Vitamin A in large quantity can have adverse effects on the body.
  1. Food
Food doesn’t have any relation to these pimples. Consult with your doctor if you feel that there is a food that adversely affects your skin and stop the food.
  1. Past Puberty Years
Skin specialists in Pakistan proclaim that if the acne you have comes on earlier, there is a probability that the severity of it will be higher for you. It might cause a problem for you medically and leave scars behind.
  1. Hormonal changes
Hormonal changes bring on acne. It’s the hormone Androgen that is responsible for excess production of sebum. Females can have acne outbreaks during menstruation and pregnancy.
  1. Acne like conditions
Some other conditions such as folliculitis may appear like acne. There are many others like, Rosacea, Keratosis Pilaris, Perioral Dermatitis and some other conditions.
  1. Testing For Hormonal Acne
Hormonal acne tests should be completed if you see that more acne is appearing or hair growth has accelerated. If the test comes out positive, treatment for the hormonal issues can begin promptly.
Acne is by far the most common skin disorder known. If you decide that home treatment is something you want to try you may need some information. Remember, if home treatments are not working, visiting a Dermatologist in Pakistan is the best option.

The heart is the central organ of our body that has been beating since we began breathing and will continue functioning until our last breath. Even a minor dysfunction of heart and its cardio-logic system may cause serious consequences. Therefore, it is essential for us to take care of our heart’s health. In case of any doubt in your or any of your loved one’s heart’s health, immediately see a cardiologist in Karachi and get an early diagnosis to mitigate the risks associated. Mentioned below are few tips to have a healthy heart:

Slim down yourself
According to some studies, excess belly fat is associated with higher blood pressure. If you have some extra fat around the middle part of your body, get ready to slim down. Consuming fewer calories and daily exercising can make an incredible difference. Get in touch with a cardiologist in Karachi to have a proper diagnosis.

Enjoy Your Time
Spend your time on your hobbies and things that you enjoy doing. Doing so will not only relieve stress levels but also keep you relaxed and in a joyful mood.

Move Your Body
Whether you prefer to sway to classical tunes or like do energetic bhangra, few moments of dancing is like an aerobic exercise that raises your heart rate and boosts your lungs pumping. Moreover, it also burns calories as well. Otherwise good old walk and exercise is sufficient to keep you healthy.

Eat More Fish
Consuming a diet enriched with omega-3 fatty acids can keep you away from heart disease. Many fish like tuna, salmon, herring, sardines are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, try eating fish for at least twice a week. Approach a cardiologist in Karachi who will guide you in getting a balanced diet healthy for your heart.

Laugh Out Loud
Smile and laugh out loud every day and if possible, every hour of your waking state. Laughing can lower stress hormones, raise your levels of high-density lipoprotein, and decrease inflammation in your arteries also known as “good cholesterol”.

Do Some Stretching
Yoga can aid your body balance, muscle flexibility, and bone strength. It can further help you relax and relieve any stress associated. Moreover, it has enormous potential to improve your heart health.


The heart is the most vital organ of our body that must be given due care. You can keep your heart healthy by achieving a slim body, enjoying your life moments, moving in some dance, consuming foods enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, laughing out loud and doing some stretching. Professional advice from a cardiologist in Karachi is primary for your heart.

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